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Sylvanas to Garrosh Hellscream
- I've walked the realms of the dead. I have seen the infinite dark. Nothing you say. Or do. Could possibly frighten me.

Sylvanas Windrunner is the name of an undead elf/banshee raised by Arthas Menethil after her death during the Invasion of Quel'Thalas during the Third War. Formerly she was a Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas in the Windrunner family. Alleria, her older sister, is missing in action in the Twisting Nether, leading the Grand Army of the Light with her lover Turalyon. Her other sister, Vereesa, is the Ranger General of the Silver Convenant, a high elf faction.

Sylvanas is now the leader of the Forsaken and entitled the Banshee Queen, and dwells in the Undercity, below old Lordaeron. She is also the overall leader of the Horde as Warchief. People are suspicious of her, wondering if one day she will start an uprising against perhaps the whole of Azeroth.  

During the events of War Crimes, the trial of Garrosh Hellscream, she and her sister Vereesa attempt to work together to slay Hellscream, although Vereesa eventually betrays Sylvanas. After this, Sylvanas goes on a rampage in the wilds of Tirisfal Glades, killing anything in her path, vowing she will never try to love again.  

Sylvanas, alongside King Varian Wrynn of the Alliance, launched the assault on the Broken Shore. During this assault, Vol'jin was mortally wounded. He was brought back to Orgrimmar, and named Sylvanas the new Warchief of the Horde with his final breath. Later, Sylvanas traveled with a Forsaken fleet to Stormheim, but they were attacked by the Skyfire, under the command of Genn Greymane. In Stormheim, Sylvanas made a bargain with Helya, the ruler of Helheim, and attempted to achieve immortality by capturing Eyir, the creator of val'kyr. However, her plans were ruined by Genn, who freed Eyir.
